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30.08.201808:19 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Trading plan for 30/08/2018

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Today, finally, a macroeconomic session rich in publications are being prepared. Overnight, the market participants got to know a series of disappointing data from Australia and New Zealand, which led to the fall in the currencies of both countries. It is still a small depreciation compared to the Turkish lyre, which weakened strongly yesterday. The rest of the majors remains relatively stable with a slight advantage of USD. EUR / USD is falling below 1.17, USD / JPY is circling at 111.65, and GBP / USD at 1.3015 defending yesterday's increases. The stock market in Asia is nervous, especially in China, where success in the North American NAFTA negotiations does not translate into a greater hope for the completion of the US-China trade dispute. Shanghai Composite is losing 0.7% today. Japanese Nikkei225 is better, although it grows only 0.1 percent.

Today's Asian session was marked by weak data from Australia and New Zealand. It started at 3:00 AM from the publication of the ANZ consumer confidence index in New Zealand. The result of -50.3 points (previously -49.9 points) led to a drop in the New Zealand dollar, which lost about 40 pips compared to the USD, and the depreciation has not stopped yet.

Exchange Rates 30.08.2018 analysis

Eseguito da Sebastian Seliga
Esperto analista di InstaForex
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