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14.02.201911:59 Forex Analysis & Reviews: US Shutdown will not postpone Brexit

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The Democrats won, therefore, President Trump conceded to Congress. He will sign a compromise budget and there will be no shutdown after February 15.

Brexit: Today, a new vote in the British Parliament agreement with the EU but there is not much hope for the approval of the agreement. The next vote is already announced to be on February 27. Britain will most likely ask the EU to delay the withdrawal from the EU and will receive a delay.

This is generally positive.

Negative: The latest industry data from the EU and Germany is very weak. In Europe, there was clearly a sharp slowdown.

In euro, there will be an out of range movement but the direction is not yet determined.

When the price goes down, we sell from 1.1245.

When the price goes up, we buy from 1.1345.

Exchange Rates 14.02.2019 analysis

Eseguito da Jozef Kovach
Esperto analista di InstaForex
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