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18.02.201910:11 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Trading Plan 02/18/2019

Revisione a lungo termine
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Main motives for the market:

The shutdown in the US has been overcome, now there will be a long process of Democrats against Trump because of his imposition of the state of emergency (Trump did it to finance the wall on the border with Mexico).

Brexit: The question has been postponed so far until February 27 - the dates of the vote in Parliament. Opponents of May expect that the agreement with the EU will again fail in Parliament - and this will allow Brexit to be postponed for a long time.

According to the news - we are waiting for Wednesday's report on orders for durable goods in the United States.

We expect the start of a large trend for the euro in the near future.

We are ready to buy euros from 1.1345.

Alternative: Sell from 1.1230.

Exchange Rates 18.02.2019 analysis

Eseguito da Jozef Kovach
Esperto analista di InstaForex
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