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14.09.201211:11 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Will the ECB refuse to buy bonds?

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The European Central Bank will not probably have to buy sovereign bonds in the light of the Bank’s main mission to do whatever to save the euro.
Many leading experts suggest that nobody will speculate against unlimited ECB power. It stabilizes the countries’ currencies and investors know it. Nobody will be against the Fed as well.
The fact that Spain and Italy reduced the financing of their public debts is very encouraging. This has happened after the ECB president Mario Draghi welcomed the purchase of sovereign bonds. It is the ECB who has such opportunity and no one else.
The Bank will not have to take out as much money as it has to inject into financial system of the region with the help of bond purchases as inflation risks in the Eurozone are low.
The only question is left is if the ECB is going to cut the interest rate. However, we do not expect such scenario in short-term as inflation risks are high and the following rate cut will not be efficient.

Eseguito da Miroslaw Bawulski
Esperto analista di InstaForex
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