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01.11.201711:03 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Bitcoin analysis for 01/11/2017:

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CME Group is the largest and most recognized trading platform for derivatives and commodities in the world. The unusual sensation was triggered by yesterday's official press release from which digital currencies society learn that the platform will also support Bitcoin contracts. The exact date is not yet known and depends on meeting all requirements of market regulators. It is expected to last until the end of this year.

This is good news for traders, including those who have so far preferred Bitcoin to stay away from high risk. The platform offers a number of tools to make Bitcoin games safer. Contracts on Bitcoin will not have much in common with the exception of the course itself, and will only deal with it. Once expired, the client will not be able to demand a base instrument, in this case, Bitcoins. The course will be calculated as a result of stock exchanges such as Bitstamp, GDAX, ITBIT and Kraken Bitcoin Reference Rate (BRR) via the Crypto Facilities platform. CME also offers its exchange rate index Bitcoin Real-Time Index (BRTI). Beginning in 2018, the contracts will also appear on the Chicago Board Options Exchange.

Let's now take a look at the Bitcoin technical picture at the H4 time frame. New all-time high at the level of $6,436 indicates the wave 4 might have been terminated at the level of $5,338 and now the market is developing the last wave to the upside - wave 5. Nevertheless, this is still alternative scenario as the momentum is clearly diminishing at the way up. The next target for the price is the weekly pivot resistance at the level of $6,652.

Exchange Rates 01.11.2017 analysis

Przedstawiono Sebastian Seliga,
przez eksperta analitycznego
z grupy firm InsaForex © 2007-2024
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