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27.04.201809:41 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Trading plan for gold for April 27, 2018

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Exchange Rates 27.04.2018 analysis

Technical outlook:

Gold 4H chart has been presented here for a larger swing picture. After consolidating for past several weeks, the yellow metal finally peaked at $1,365.00 on April 11, 2018. Since then the story is of lower lows and lower highs and it is still expected to continue the same. Looking at the short term structure, the metal is expected to find the interim support around $1,310 levels. Besides, the the fibonacci extension of 61.8% is also seen to be around $1,313 levels, and hence bullish reversal is expected soon. Please note that this should not be considered as a trend reversal but just a corrective rally is expected for now. Looking at the wave counts, the yellow metal seems to be into its 3rd wave now, which is most likely to end soon. Conservative traders should be looking to book profits in the short term and look for opportunities higher to sell again.

Trading plan:

Aggressive traders look to go long with stop below $1,305 levels. Conservative traders please take profits on short positions taken earlier and remain flat.

Fundamental outlook:

Watch out for German unemployment rate at 03:55 AM EST today.

Good luck!

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