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25.07.201904:38 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Control zones AUDUSD 07.25.19

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Today's trading plan should take into account the approach of the pair to the average value of the weekly move. Sellers need to close a short position and expect a corrective pullback. The test of the average move can allow to obtain favorable prices for the purchase of an instrument in the case of the formation of a "false breakdown" pattern of yesterday's minimum.

Exchange Rates 25.07.2019 analysis

The probability of closing trades within the average move is 70%, so sales near the zone are not profitable.

It is necessary to take into account that the descending model remains a priority, as the weekly CZ of 0.6946-0.6933 has not yet been reached. An alternative model will be to go beyond the average weekly turn for the test of the specified zone. This will allow to get favorable prices for the purchase of a tool, since the probability of returning to the middle course is 90%.

Exchange Rates 25.07.2019 analysis

Daily CZ - daily control zone. The area formed by important data from the futures market, which change several times a year.

Weekly CZ - weekly control zone. The zone formed by important marks of the futures market, which changes several times a year.

Monthly CZ - monthly control zone. The zone, which is a reflection of the average volatility over the past year.

Przedstawiono Samanta Kruder,
przez eksperta analitycznego
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