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04.11.202005:10 Forex Analysis & Reviews: USD/JPY Forecast for November 4, 2020

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On Tuesday, the USD/JPY pair fell by 26 points despite the growth of stock indexes. The S&P500 added 1.78%. Today in the Asian session, the Nikkei225 is up 1.52%, but the Australian S&P/ASX 200 is losing -0.54% and Chinese stock indexes are trading mixed. It is best to wait for the opening of the American session so that they can give a more objective assessment of the vote taking place in the United States.

Exchange Rates 04.11.2020 analysis

This morning, the price broke through the resistance of the price channel and approached the target level of 104.20 along the Kruzenshtern line. The output above it will open a second target 106.10.

Exchange Rates 04.11.2020 analysis

On the H4 chart, the price has turned sharply from the Kruzenshtern line and the Marlin is rushing to the overbought zone. But we need to wait for the opening of the US session for optimism in the stock market to be confirmed. Biden is also not a bad winner for stock speculators. If this result does not happen, the price will turn back to the target of 103.73.

Przedstawiono Laurie Bailey,
przez eksperta analitycznego
z grupy firm InsaForex © 2007-2024
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