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25.07.202214:14 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Trading plan for EURUSD on July 25, 2022

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Exchange Rates 25.07.2022 analysis

Technical outlook:

EURUSD rose to levels close to 1.0250 intraday on Monday before easing off to 1.0235. The single currency pair is still looking to correct lower towards the 1.0075-1.0100 zone, before resuming its rally. Bears might be unfolding an upward Gartley as they target lower from here. Ideally, prices should stay below 1.0275 to keep the near-term structure intact.

EURUSD might have terminated a larger degree downswing at 0.9952 on July 14, 2022. As seen on the daily chart, the drop had begun from 1.2350 in January 2021 and continued to print lower lows and lower highs through 0.9952. If the above structure remains intact, prices should rally from here targeting the 1.0620 initial resistance at least.

Ideally, EURO bulls are now targeting the 1.0800-0900 zone, which is the Fibonacci 0.618 retracement of the entire drop between 1.2350 and 0.9952. If another low has to be printed below 0.9952, prices would reverse from 1.0800. We shall review the wave structure and take a directional call thereafter.

Going forward:

EURUSD is still looking to work on the recent upswing between 0.9952 and 1.0275. The Fibonacci 0.618 retracement of the above upswing is seen close to 1.0075, which is a highly probable turning point. We expect a drop there in the near term before bulls are back in control and push through 1.0620 at least.

Trading plan:

Potential rally through 1.0620 and 1.0800-0900 against 0.9952

Good luck!

Przedstawiono Oscar Ton,
przez eksperta analitycznego
z grupy firm InsaForex © 2007-2024
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