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07.02.202218:35 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Bitcoin's capitalization value will continue to grow: what do digital dollar and upcoming halving have to do with it?

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After a three-month correction, investors perked up, and after local consolidation allowed bitcoin to reach $40k. The capitalization of the cryptocurrency market also began to grow and has increased by 3% over the past 24 hours. Despite local success, investors continue to be cautious and cautiously open positions in the cryptocurrency market.

Bloomberg experts do not agree with this position and believe that after a local correction, Bitcoin is waiting for a quick exit from a wide range of $30k-$60k. Mike McGlone and his team of analysts believe that the transparency of government regulation and the gradual increase in demand for the asset will accelerate the recovery period of the cryptocurrency. The experts also disappointed investors who did not have time to buy Bitcoin at the local bottom. Experts believe that the only way for the asset is up.

Jirayut Srupsrisopa, CEO of Bitkub Capital Group Holdings, Thailand's largest digital asset exchange, disagrees with the opinions of analysts and believes that the next BTC bull market will take place in 2024. It is in 2024 that the next halving of the main crypto asset is expected. The final target for Bitcoin quotes in 2024 will be $500k per coin.

Exchange Rates 07.02.2022 analysis

However, many players in the cryptocurrency market are expressing concerns about the future of Bitcoin due to the sharp rise in demand for state-owned digital assets. The CEO of Grayscale Investments is confident that the adoption of digital currencies by states only contributes to the adoption of Bitcoin. The entrepreneur is confident that the creation of full-fledged digital currencies will create comfortable conditions for retail and institutional investors to enter the cryptocurrency market.

In addition, I would like to note that cryptocurrencies and digital currencies will have a similar system for organizing transactions. This proves the current situation with the digital yuan. So, everything rests only on the attitude of specific states to cryptocurrencies. With this in mind, some are confident that the adoption of the digital dollar will greatly expand the possibilities of Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency market.

Exchange Rates 07.02.2022 analysis

Meanwhile, Bitcoin continues to be within the $32k-$44k congestion. Technical indicators point to the likely continuation of the current price dynamics. Stochastic and RSI have risen to the overbought zone, while MACD is entering the green zone.

At the same time, there are powerful purchase volumes on the market, and therefore Bitcoin is approaching the breakdown of $44.2k, where the downward trend line passes and a large number of sell orders are concentrated. In any case, the immediate target for BTC on a successful breakout is $52.1k as the top of the $45k-$52k range . If the retest fails and further declines, the price will meet support around $39.6k.

Przedstawiono Artem Petrenko,
przez eksperta analitycznego
z grupy firm InsaForex © 2007-2024
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