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05.04.202212:44 Forex Analysis & Reviews: US stocks post rally on Monday

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Exchange Rates 05.04.2022 analysis

US stocks rose on Monday after Twitter shares soared 31%, thanks to Tesla CEO Elon Musk taking a 9.2% stake in the company.

Exchange Rates 05.04.2022 analysis

Meanwhile, Starbucks saw a decline after founder Howard Schultz suspended a share buyback plan.

US-listed Chinese stocks, such as Baidu and Tencent Holdings, also posted an increase after China cleared a key hurdle to give the US full access to audits.

Exchange Rates 05.04.2022 analysis

Morgan Stanley chief strategist Michael Wilson said the bear market is now over, leaving investors more constructive on bonds rather than equities in the near term as "growth concerns take center stage".

Meanwhile, even though European indices are growing less actively, the bullish trend remains. Both the Stoxx50 and Dax have retraced 50% from their all-time highs and lows this year.

Exchange Rates 05.04.2022 analysis

Key events to watch this week:

- Fed Governor Lael Brainard's speech on Tuesday;

- FOMC minutes on Wednesday;

- China composite and service PMIs on Wednesday;

- EIA Crude Oil Inventory Report on Wednesday;

- Philadelphia Fed President Patrick Harker's speech on Wednesday;

- James Bullard, Raphael Bostic and Charles Evans' speeches on Thursday;

- Rate decision of the Reserve Bank of India on Friday.

Przedstawiono Andrey Shevchenko,
przez eksperta analitycznego
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