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02.11.202223:34 Forex Analysis & Reviews: October was a failure for Asian funds

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After massive selling in September, the ocean of the Asian stock market in October replenished with a weak trickle. Analysts believe that fears of a global recession and a stronger US dollar will put pressure on short-term cash flows to the region.

October was a failure for Asian funds

Data from local stock exchanges in Taiwan, India, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and South Korea showed that foreigners bought $53 million worth of corporate securities for the whole of October. This figure is especially shocking amid the sales of the previous month. So, in September, traders sold $8.8 billion worth of regional shares.

Last month, the broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares fell by 1.97% compared with an increase of MSCI World by as much as 6%.

At the same time, South Korea received the highest inflow of $2.1 billion, while Indonesia and Thailand received $729 million and $196 million, respectively. Taiwanese stocks have been the victim of a $2.9 billion collapse. Vietnam, the Philippines and India also faced outflows last month.

Analysts say the main reasons are the tightening of US restrictions on Chinese companies using American technologies and continuing doubts about the recovery of China's economy.

Thus, the reduction of stocks in the information and communication technology sector has become massive, hitting not only Chinese, but also many Taiwanese companies in the semiconductor sector.

However, the main reason remains the unstable political and economic situation in China.

Of course, the Congress of the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China disappointed investors with the appointment of President Xi Jinping, for whom the new term will be the third. Of course, many expected such a decision. Nevertheless, the markets painfully took such a decision, indicating further consolidation of power in the hands of a few.

To date, investments in Asia, especially in North Asia, remain difficult due to fears of a recession and the strengthening of the US dollar. The sector is also feeling the impact of the upcoming Federal Reserve meeting, which is likely to be not too tough and will leave investors room for maneuver.

Przedstawiono Egor Danilov,
przez eksperta analitycznego
z grupy firm InsaForex © 2007-2024
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