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21.02.202416:59 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Technical Analysis of ETH/USD for February 21, 2024

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ETH/USD Analysis: Navigating the Interplay of Technical Retreat and Bullish Fundamentals

Key Takeaways:

  • Ethereum's recent 8% pullback suggests a corrective phase amid a market cool-off, offering a strategic positioning moment for traders.
  • Solid fundamentals and upcoming network upgrades present a bullish outlook for Ethereum in 2024, despite underperformance in 2023.
  • Technical indicators signal caution with a predominance of sell signals, yet the overall market sentiment remains overwhelmingly bullish.

Exchange Rates 21.02.2024 analysis

Ethereum's Technical Temperance Amidst Bullish Sentiments

As the cryptocurrency market's momentum shifts, Ethereum (ETH) finds itself in a period of correction after a less vigorous performance during the recent uptrend, which favored its elder sibling, Bitcoin (BTC). The second-largest digital asset by market capitalization has seen an approximately 8% retraction from its 2023 peak, yielding the spotlight to Bitcoin as the crypto community anticipates the potential launch of a Bitcoin spot ETF.

Despite this, Ethereum's fundamentals have not wavered. The price of ETH has more than doubled since the cycle's trough below $1,000 in June 2022, signaling enduring strength in its core value proposition.

The Fundamental Fortitude of Ethereum

Ethereum advocate and educator Anthony Sassano provided a "humble, bullish analysis" for the network in 2024, amidst a mix of setbacks and potential catalysts. The postponed decision by the SEC on Ethereum-based ETFs, such as the Hashdex Nasdaq Ethereum and Grayscale Ethereum Futures ETF, remains a focal point of speculation, hinting at the likelihood of a bullish surge upon approval.

The network anticipates the Denchun update, slated for March or April, which promises scaling enhancements through EIP-4844 and the potential for reduced gas costs in layer 2 solutions. Layer 2 activity has surged, hitting a record high total value locked of $16 billion, as noted by L2beat. The launch of non-EVM layer 2s, like Eclipse and Fluent, introduces new applications and developers, bolstering the cryptogaming sector predominantly based on the L2 ecosystem.

Furthermore, the tokenization of real-world assets continues to gain traction, bringing more "old world" financial products onto the blockchain, and paving the way for an influx of new Ethereum ecosystem users.

Technical Analysis and Market Sentiment

The provided chart illustrates a bearish divergence on the RSI, along with a bearish engulfing candlestick pattern and a shooting star, typically indicating potential downside. The price has recently crossed below the 50-day Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA), yet remains above the 100-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA), suggesting a battleground for bulls and bears around these key levels.

Exchange Rates 21.02.2024 analysis

The intraday 1H indicator signals predominantly advise caution, with 19 out of 23 technical indicators leaning towards a sell signal, juxtaposed with 4 suggesting a buy. The moving averages are similarly contentious, with 11 signaling sell and 7 indicating buy opportunities.

Contrastingly, the sentiment scoreboard radiates optimism, with 77% bullish sentiment, a notable increase from the previous week's 80% and the last three days' 81%. This bullish bias is reinforced by the weekly pivot point analysis, which offers potential support and resistance levels as follows:

  • WR3: $3,041
  • WR2: $2,929
  • WR1: $2,937
  • Weekly Pivot: $2,896
  • WS1: $2,865
  • WS2: $2,824
  • WS3: $2,751
Strategic Considerations for Traders

Traders should closely monitor the pivotal support levels at the Weekly Pivot and WS1, which could provide entry points for bulls, whereas resistance levels WR1 and WR2 may serve as profit-target zones or entry points for bearish trades. The bullish sentiment and strong fundamentals provide a counterbalance to the technical sell signals, offering a nuanced view for those navigating the ETH markets.

In conclusion, while Ethereum's technical indicators suggest a cautious approach in the short term, the underlying fundamentals and bullish market sentiment provide a solid backdrop for potential upward movements in 2024. Traders are advised to keep a keen eye on both technical levels and fundamental developments, as Ethereum continues to evolve and mature within the ever-dynamic cryptocurrency landscape.

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The begginers in forex trading need to be very careful when making decisions about entering the market. Before the release of important reports, it is best to stay out of the market to avoid being caught in sharp market fluctuations due to increased volatility. If you decide to trade during the news release, then always place stop orders to minimize losses.

Without placing stop orders, you can very quickly lose your entire deposit, especially if you do not use money management and trade large volumes. For successful trading, you need to have a clear trading plan and stay focues and disciplined. Spontaneous trading decision based on the current market situation is an inherently losing strategy for a scalper or daytrader.

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Przedstawiono Sebastian Seliga,
przez eksperta analitycznego
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