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23.07.202400:54 Forex Analysis & Reviews: The Bank of England might forgo a rate cut on August 1 as the pound gathers strength to rise. Overview of GBP/USD

Ważne do 11:00 2024-07-27 UTC--4
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Last week, a substantial block of macroeconomic data for the UK was released. The Bank of England's meeting, scheduled for August 1, is approaching, and at first glance, the BoE has grounds to consider its first quarter point rate cut from the current 5.25%.

Consumer inflation in June remained unchanged, while overall inflation rose by 2% in annual terms, the same as the previous month, and core inflation increased to 3.5%. Despite both figures meeting forecasts, the market suggests that the chances of a rate cut have diminished, as service sector inflation also remained steady at 5.7%, above the forecast of 5.1%.

Exchange Rates 23.07.2024 analysis

At the same time, retail sales in June fell more sharply than forecast, with a decline of 1.2% compared to a 2.9% increase the previous month.

Since service prices remained consistently high and inflation was unchanged, the markets have revised the likelihood of a rate cut on August 1 down from 50% to 35%. This is a bullish signal for the pound, which reacted with an increase immediately after the data was released.

On Wednesday, July 24, the PMI indices for July will be released, serving as the final crucial data points before the BoE's imminent decision. All PMI indices are expected to show growth, confirming overall economic expansion. If the data aligns with forecasts, it will be another bullish factor for the pound, as it would allow the BoE to justify not cutting rates on August 1. Regardless, any potential rate cut is already priced in by the market, while a decision not to cut rates would allow the pound to resume its upward trend towards the annual high.

According to the CFTC report, the net GBP long position increased by $4 billion to $10.777 billion over the reporting week. Major speculators' positions in the pound are firmly bullish, and the overall net long position is at its highest level since the Brexit vote. Clearly, sentiments have shifted following the elections. The price is above the long-term average and aimed at further growth.

Exchange Rates 23.07.2024 analysis

Last week, the pound reached an annual high of 1.3043 and has a good chance of rising towards 1.3141, which we identified as the main target in the previous review. The continuation of the upward trend was hindered by a global information breakdown last week and Biden's announcement of his withdrawal from the presidential race, both triggering increased demand for safe-haven assets. Nevertheless, the chances for further growth remain high despite the threat of a correction. Our target is 1.3141, with support at 1.2890.

Przedstawiono Kuvat Raharjo,
przez eksperta analitycznego
z grupy firm InsaForex © 2007-2024
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