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09.09.202408:40 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Hot forecast for EUR/USD on September 9, 2024

Ważne do 01:00 UTC--4
Informacje te są częścią komunikacji marketingowej i są przeznaczone dla klientów detalicznych i profesjonalnych. Informacje te nie zawierają i nie powinny być interpretowane jako informacje zawierające porady inwestycyjne lub rekomendacje dotyczące inwestycji, a także oferty lub zaproszenia do udziału w dowolnej transakcji, lub strategii dotyczącej instrumentów finansowych. Wcześniejsze zyski nie stanowią gwarancji przyszłych dochodów. Instant Trading EU Ltd nie udziela żadnych gwarancji i nie ponosi żadnej odpowiedzialności za dokładność lub kompletność dostarczonych informacji, a także za jakiekolwiek straty wynikające z inwestycji opartych na analizie, prognozie lub innych informacjach dostarczonych przez pracownika Firmy, lub w jakikolwiek inny sposób. Pełne oświadczenie o wyłączeniu odpowiedzialności jest dostępne tutaj.

It seems almost unbelievable, but the United States Department of Labor reported a decrease in the unemployment rate from 4.3% to 4.2%. This is even though employment growth over recent months should have led to an increase in unemployment, which had been occurring consistently for several months. Considering the population size, growth rate, and age demographics, employment in the United States should increase by just over 200,000 jobs per month to maintain a stable unemployment rate. However, it increased by only 1,717,000 jobs over the last twelve months, or approximately 143,000 jobs monthly. The United States Department of Labor also publishes data on the number of new jobs created outside of agriculture. This figure indicates the maximum potential for employment growth. According to the latest data, 142,000 jobs were created. Over the same previous twelve months, 2,358,000 jobs were created, or about 196,000 per month, which is also not enough. Thus, even if we assume that the employment data is not entirely accurate, there still aren't enough new jobs to stabilize the labor market.

Moreover, only 673,000 new jobs were created in the last five months, or about 135,000 monthly. With such figures, unemployment should only rise, as observed in previous months. But now, inexplicably, it has decreased.

Nonetheless, despite apparent inconsistencies and troubling questions, the dollar somewhat strengthened its positions. Considering the ongoing election campaign and the fact that the majority of American media clearly support the Democrats, one should not expect further development of this issue. On the contrary, leading media outlets will point to the decrease in the unemployment rate without any questions or the like, citing it as an argument in favor of Kamala Harris. Thus, the oddities with the labor market data will quickly be forgotten, at least in the media space, thereby creating a basis for strengthening the dollar.

Exchange Rates 09.09.2024 analysis

The EUR/USD pair showed significant volatility towards the end of last week. The lever for speculators has been the information and news flow, particularly the U.S. Department of Labor's report. As a result, the quote initially jumped above the 1.1150 mark, then plummeted below 1.1100.

In the 4-hour chart, the RSI technical indicator has lost strength due to high volatility. However, it is worth noting that towards the close of trading, the indicator stabilized below the average level of 50, indicating an increase in the volume of short positions on the euro.

Regarding the Alligator indicator in the same time frame, the moving average lines are intertwined with each other. In this case, the indicator is in confusion.

Expectations and Prospects

Based on the inertial-speculative cycle, the movement towards the upper area of the psychological level of 1.1000/1.1050 is not ruled out. This price area serves as a support for sellers in the market. However, the speculation factor, which will continue this week, should be noted. Thus, price movements can quickly change directions.

The complex indicator analysis points to a downward cycle in the short-term and intraday periods. Indicators point to an upward trend in the medium term.

Przedstawiono Dean Leo,
przez eksperta analitycznego
z grupy firm InsaForex © 2007-2024
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