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09.10.202408:13 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Hot Forecast for EUR/USD on 09.10.2024

Ważne do 17:00 UTC+00
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The market seems to be at a standstill, not so much because of the absence of any macroeconomic data but rather due to the anticipation of tomorrow's inflation data release in the United States. Some data has been released, such as crude oil inventory data from the American Petroleum Institute, which surprised significantly with an increase of 10.9 million barrels. However, these figures rarely substantially impact the market, as they precede the more influential report from the U.S. Department of Energy. Nevertheless, this sharp increase has already led to adjustments in forecasts for today's figures, with investors now expecting a 1.9 million barrel rise in inventories.

However, the dollar will wait for the release of inflation data due tomorrow. According to forecasts, the growth rate of consumer prices is likely to slow from 2.5% to 2.3%. Given the dollar's clear overbought status, a slowdown in inflation could be an excellent trigger for a significant correction. However, no one is willing to take risks prematurely, as U.S. data have been full of surprises lately.

Przedstawiono Dean Leo,
przez eksperta analitycznego
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