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25.05.201506:35 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Daily analysis of major pairs for May 25, 2015

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EUR/USD: A drop over 420 pips last week has established the weakness on the EUR/USD. There is a Bearish Confirmation Pattern on the market now: the price would go further downwards this week, testing the support lines at 1.0950 and 1.0900. More intense bearish pressure could even take the price beyond these support lines.

Exchange Rates 25.05.2015 analysis

USD/CHF: This pair has turned bullish. The price trended upwards from the support level at 0.9150, testing the resistance level at 0.9450. That is a movement of 300 pips and further northward journey is possible. The only challenge to this expectation is a possible stamina in CHF.

Exchange Rates 25.05.2015 analysis

GBP/USD: On the cable, the last week was characterized by serious battle between bulls and bears, but at the end of the week, the bears gained the upper hand. However, the recent bullish bias would be violated only when the accumulation territory at 1.5400 gets breached to the downside. The bullish bias is seriously threatened – it would be invalid only after the aforementioned accumulation territory is violated.

Exchange Rates 25.05.2015 analysis

USD/JPY: The USD/JPY pair moved upward by 200 pips last week. The upward journey started at the demand level of 119.50 and it has gone beyond the demand level at 121.50. This bullish journey has put the end to the recent protracted equilibrium phase on the market: the price would continue its journey upwards as long as USD is strong.

Exchange Rates 25.05.2015 analysis

EUR/JPY: The fate of this cross would continue to be determined largely by whatever happens to the euro. The current weakness on the market is caused by the weakness in the euro itself, and things have already turned bearish, the trend that could be sustained this week.

Exchange Rates 25.05.2015 analysis

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