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25.12.201623:23:00UTC+00Syria-Bound Russian Aircraft Crashes with Zero Survivors Expected

No survivors are expected after a Syria-bound Russian plane carrying 92 people crashed into the Black Sea on Sunday, as the impact is estimated to have killed everyone on board, the Russian authorities reported in a released statement.

Russian President Vladimir Putin declared Monday as an official day of mourning of the nation for the death of the passengers. At least 60 of the people on board were members of the well-known Red Army choir, including singers, dancers and orchestra members. Nine Russian reporters and military servicemen were also on board.

According to the Russian Defence Ministry, one of its TU-154 plane went missing from its radar screens two minutes after taking off. A ministry spokesperson reported that no survivors were found on the established crash site. Still, a search operation is continuing with four ships, four helicopters, a plane and a drone patrolling and searching the area.

Fragments of the plane were located at a depth of around 70 meters in the Black Sea, around 1.5 km off the coast of Sochi City.

Sources of Russia's RIA news agency said initial reports indicated that the plane crashed due to a technical malfunction or due to pilot error. The possibility of a terrorist act has been ruled out.

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