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08.02.201910:42 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Experts recommend buying EM currency

Long-term review
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Exchange Rates 08.02.2019 analysis

Analysts of the American company Pimco, one of the world's largest investors in the bond market, are advised to pay attention to currencies in emerging markets. They are sure that they should buy them, and not US dollars or euros.

Pimco believes that at the moment, there are many reasons to acquire the assets of emerging markets (EM). Experts consider them to be the most promising, despite warnings by analysts from some of the world's largest banks that growth in this sector may stop.

According to Geraldine Sandstrom, managing director of Pimco, support for securities from emerging markets is provided by such factors as a pause in the Fed raising interest rates, easing the trade conflict between Washington and Beijing, and measures aimed at stimulating the Chinese economy. The expert believes that a mutual agreement will emerge between the two leading economies of the world, and China's rational approach to stimulating the economy will accelerate the growth of the country in the second half of 2019. "The Fed will take a pause for several months. If the trade war ends, and Chinese incentives work, it will be good news for the whole world, especially for emerging markets," G. Sandstrom said.

However, most investors are pessimistic about China because of threats by US President Donald Trump to raise tariffs. At the same time, they are showing excessive and unsubstantiated optimism about the ability of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro to successfully carry out economic reforms in the country, notes G. Sandstrom. The Managing Director believes that an improvement in the business cycle in the semiconductor industry could serve as a growth driver for Asian stock markets. As for the Brazilian stock market, it may not justify the hopes of investors who are betting on a complete revision of the pension system. At the same time, dollar bonds in the Chinese real estate sector and stocks of companies in the consumer sphere of China look attractive, Mr. Sandstrom sums up.

Larisa Kolesnikova
Analytical expert of InstaForex
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