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27.07.202212:59 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Trading plan for Bitcoin on July 27, 2022

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Exchange Rates 27.07.2022 analysis

Technical outlook:

Bitcoin dropped towards the $20,700 lows on Tuesday before finding support and pulling back higher. The crypto is seen to be trading close to $21,300 at this point in writing and is expected to resume its rally towards $29,000 in the next few weeks. Bulls are looking poised to hold prices above the $18,800 interim support to keep the near-term structure intact.

Bitcoin has been unfolding a counter-trend rally since June 19, 2022, after printing lows at around $17,500. The pattern seems to be unfolding as a flat or a combination and might terminate at about $29,000. If the proposed structure is correct, the bulls will remain poised to be back in control from here on.

Bitcoin has been dropping since November 2021 after hitting all-time highs close to $69,000. The drop between $69,000 and $17,500 seems to consist of three waves, hence it looks corrective so far. If prices do not break above the $48,000 resistance in the next leg higher, the bears will be inclined to come back in control and drag the price below the $17,500 interim support.

Going forward:

Bitcoin has retraced its recent upswing between $18,800 and $24,200 dropping through $20,700. Please note that it is close to the Fibonacci 0.618 retracement of the above upswing. Hence, a strong possibility remains for a bullish reversal. Also, note that a Doji candlestick pattern was produced on the daily chart, which could be the potential turning point.

Trading plan:

Potential rally towards $29,000 against $18,500

Good luck!

Oscar Ton
Analytical expert of InstaForex
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