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10.12.202117:57 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Elon Musk would like to leave Tesla

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The chief executive officer of Tesla Inc once again shocks shareholders and investors. Elon Musk is "thinking" of quitting his job and becoming an "influential person," the richest man in the world according to Forbes tweeted on Thursday.

"Thinking about quitting my job and becoming a full-time influencer," Musk said in a tweet, without going into details.

It is still unclear whether Musk is serious about being fired, but back in the spring, he complained about social networks that the management takes up a lot of his time, whereas he would like to focus on research.

Elon has gained weight noticeably and changed his haircut – any woman will tell you that these are signs that a person is going through hard times.

Before that in January, Musk, who is also the founder and CEO of rocket company SpaceX, and also runs startup Neuralink and infrastructure firm The Boring Company, said during a conference call that he expects to be CEO of Tesla for "several years." But it's been a tough year for everyone.

For example, last month he asked his Twitter followers if he should sell 10% of his stake in the electric car manufacturer, which most agreed with. Since then, he has sold almost $12 billion worth of shares. Before that, he got rid of all his real estate. Many analysts believe that this is due to the need to cover the costs of taxes.

"It would be nice to have a little more free time than just working day and night, from the moment I wake up to when I fall asleep - 7 days a week. Pretty intense."

Egor Danilov
Analytical expert of InstaForex
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