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18.11.202208:13 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Elliott wave analysis of Litecoin vs. Bitcoin for November 18, 2022

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Exchange Rates 18.11.2022 analysis

Let's stay a bit longer with Litecoin, but this time we will view it versus the king of the crypto world Bitcoin. Litecoin vs Bitcoin bottomed in mid-June at 0.0017. That means on June 13, 2022, you would need 0,0017 bitcoin to buy 1 Litecoin. Today you would need 0.0037 which means a rise of more than 100% in Litecoin's favor. This is why we have focused on Litecoin rather than Bitcoin in the last few months. We think that Litecoin continues to have the upper hand and could after a temporary pause near 0.0041 see more upside towards the 0.0052 - 0.0056 area where we see strong resistance coming in. After a more prolonged consolidation below this area, a breakthrough wouldn't come as a surprise. We expect a continuation towards resistance near 0.0072 or close to a 400% rise in Litecoin over Bitcoin.

So, for now, Litecoin may be one of the smaller cryptocurrencies, but it acts as it's the king of the crypto world right now.

Torben Melsted
Analytical expert of InstaForex
© 2007-2024

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