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10.06.202202:39 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Trading plan for EURUSD on February 16, 2023

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Exchange Rates 10.06.2022 analysis

Technical outlook:

EURUSD rallied through the 1.0722 high intraday on Friday before finding resistance. The single currency pair has drifted within a 30-pip range and is seen to be trading close to 1.0700 at this point in writing. Near-term potential remains towards 1.0850 and possibly up to 1.0900 before the bears are back in control. Ideally, prices stay below the 1.1025 interim resistance.

EURUSD has rallied from 0.9535 towards 1.1025 in the past several weeks, carving a larger-degree wave as seen on the daily chart here. The above rally is being retraced and prices are expected to reach 1.0500 down to 1.0100 in the medium term. At the moment, the bears are working on an initial drop within the above corrective structure.

EURUSD might produce a short-term rally towards 1.0850 in the next few days before the drop resumes towards 1.0500 and 1.0100 respectively. Also, note that 1.0100 is the Fibonacci 0.618 retracement of the entire rally between 0.9535 and 1.0125 levels, hence potential remains high for a bullish reversal.

Trading idea:

Potential bearish continuation against 1.1025

Good luck!

Paolo Greco
Analytical expert of InstaForex
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