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30.09.201314:44 Forex Analysis & Reviews: EUR/USD weekly technical levels for September 30, 2013

Long-term review
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Weekly technical levels:

Exchange Rates 30.09.2013 analysis

Exchange Rates 30.09.2013 analysis


  • R3 and S3 are considered to be clear indicators of the maximum range of extreme volatility, though it is possible to pass them through. 
  • Pivot lines work well on the sideways markets as the prices are most likely to be located between the R1 and S1 lines. 
  • Within a strong trend, the price is expected to be lower than the pivot point line and continue moving. 
  • If the breaking news released may affect the market, the price is likely to go straight through R1 or S1 and even reach R2 and R3 or S2 and S3. 


  • If the trend is of upside character, then the strength of the currency will be defined as following: EUR is in uptrend and USD is in downtrend. 
  • Fibonacci retracement is used to determine accurate psychological levels of support and resistance. The period of time should be taken into account. Fibonacci is in a range trade; it looks like the trend is trapping and going up or down. If you sell or buy for a long term in this period, you will surely lose your profit. 
  • Stop loss should never exceed your maximum exposure amounts. 
  • As a rule, the market is highly volatile if the last day had a huge volatility. 
Mourad El Keddani
Analytical expert of InstaForex
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