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5 dôvodov, prečo sa zúčastniť bezplatných webinárov
Pravdepodobne najlepší spôsob, ako získať zručnosti
Devízový trh je miestom, kde je dôležité udržiavať si tempo a nespomaľovať. Aby ste sa mohli držať na vrchole, musíte neustále zlepšovať svoje zručnosti a získavať nové informácie. Obzvlášť teraz, v časoch sociálneho dištancu, sa webináre považujú za najlepšie riešenie. Preto spoločnosť InstaForex spustila sériu vlastných webinárov, ktoré budú viesť svetoví odborníci na trhy.
Devízový trh je miestom, kde je dôležité udržiavať si tempo a nespomaľovať. Aby ste sa mohli držať na vrchole, musíte neustále zlepšovať svoje zručnosti a získavať nové informácie. Obzvlášť teraz, v časoch sociálneho dištancu, sa webináre považujú za najlepšie riešenie. Preto spoločnosť InstaForex spustila sériu vlastných webinárov, ktoré budú viesť svetoví odborníci na trhy.
Zdokonaľte sa v obchodovaní a rozšírte si svoje vedomosti pomocou BEZPLATNÝCH webinárov!
Kým dokončíme kalendár na ďalší mesiac, pozrite si záznamy minulých webinárov
Toto je 5 dôvodov, prečo sa zúčastniť bezplatných webinárov:
  • Aktuálne a zaujímavé témy
  • Webináre sú určené pre obchodníkov s rôznou úrovňou zručností
  • Sú dostupné odkiaľkoľvek na svete z akéhokoľvek zariadenia
  • Živá komunikácia s rečníkom
  • Príležitosť zlepšiť svoje zručnosti a vytvoriť obchodnú stratégiu
Záznamy minulých webinárov
Commodities without secrets: professional tips for beginners
Bogusz Julian Kasowski
Join the webinar and be guided into the world of commodities! This unique event will allow you to:: Understand the diversity of commodities: Learn about the entire cross-section available, including gold, silver, oil, metals and more, and what the benefits are of investing in each. Learn the basics of commodity trading: We'll introduce you to the ins and outs of investing and technical issues, so you'll be freer to navigate the market. Gain valuable trading strategies: Our expert will share effective concepts that will help you take your trading to the next level and make valuable profits. Discover the influence of market factors: You'll learn what relationships affect commodity prices so you can better understand trends based on economic events and make informed investment decisions. Receive access to an educational package: Sign up for the webinar and you will receive an ebook as a gift, which includes an analysis of the market and individual commodities. Ask questions of an expert: The webinar is a great opportunity to network and exchange experiences!
Bogusz Julian Kasowski
Commodities without secrets: professional tips for beginners
Bogusz Julian Kasowski
Join the webinar and be guided into the world of commodities! This unique event will allow you to:: Understand the diversity of commodities: Learn about the entire cross-section available, including gold, silver, oil, metals and more, and what the benefits are of investing in each. Learn the basics of commodity trading: We'll introduce you to the ins and outs of investing and technical issues, so you'll be freer to navigate the market. Gain valuable trading strategies: Our expert will share effective concepts that will help you take your trading to the next level and make valuable profits. Discover the influence of market factors: You'll learn what relationships affect commodity prices so you can better understand trends based on economic events and make informed investment decisions. Receive access to an educational package: Sign up for the webinar and you will receive an ebook as a gift, which includes an analysis of the market and individual commodities. Ask questions of an expert: The webinar is a great opportunity to network and exchange experiences!
Bogusz Julian Kasowski
Commodities without secrets: professional tips for beginners
Bogusz Julian Kasowski
Join the webinar and be guided into the world of commodities! This unique event will allow you to:: Understand the diversity of commodities: Learn about the entire cross-section available, including gold, silver, oil, metals and more, and what the benefits are of investing in each. Learn the basics of commodity trading: We'll introduce you to the ins and outs of investing and technical issues, so you'll be freer to navigate the market. Gain valuable trading strategies: Our expert will share effective concepts that will help you take your trading to the next level and make valuable profits. Discover the influence of market factors: You'll learn what relationships affect commodity prices so you can better understand trends based on economic events and make informed investment decisions. Receive access to an educational package: Sign up for the webinar and you will receive an ebook as a gift, which includes an analysis of the market and individual commodities. Ask questions of an expert: The webinar is a great opportunity to network and exchange experiences!
Bogusz Julian Kasowski
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