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21.05.201905:59 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Fractal analysis of major currency pairs for May 21

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Forecast for May 21:

Analytical review of H1-scale currency pairs:

Exchange Rates 21.05.2019 analysis

For the euro / dollar pair, the key levels on the H1 scale are: 1.1222, 1.1212, 1.1197, 1.1184, 1.1156, 1.1144 and 1.1112. Here, we continue to follow the development of the downward structure of May 13. Short-term downward movement is expected in the range of 1.1156 - 1.1144. The breakdown of the last value should be accompanied by a pronounced downward movement. In this case, the potential target is the level of 1.1112. We expect a rollback to the top from this level.

Short-term ascending movement is possible in the range of 1.1184 - 1.1197. The breakdown of the last value will lead to a prolonged correction. Here, the goal is the level of 1.1212. The range of 1.1212 - 1.1222 is the key support for the downward movement. We expect the initial conditions for the ascending cycle to reach it.

The main trend is the downward structure of May 13.

Trading recommendations:

Buy 1.1184 Take profit: 1.1195

Buy 1.1198 Take profit: 1.1210

Sell: 1.1156 Take profit: 1.1145

Sell: 1.1142 Take profit: 1.1116

Exchange Rates 21.05.2019 analysis

For the pound / dollar pair, the key levels on the H1 scale are: 1.2840, 1.2802, 1.2773, 1.2733, 1.2693, 1.2659 and 1.2588. Here, we continue to follow the development of the downward structure from May 3. At the moment, we expect a movement to the level of 1.2693, wherein consolidation is in the range of 1.2693 - 1.2659. The breakdown of the level 1.2659 will lead to the movement to the potential target - 1.2588. Upon reaching which, we expect a rollback to the top.

Short-term upward movement is possible in the range of 1.2773 - 1.2802. The breakdown of the latter value will lead to a prolonged correction. Here, the target is the level of 1.2840. This level is a key support for the downward structure.

The main trend is the downward cycle of May 3rd.

Trading recommendations:

Buy: 1.2773 Take profit: 1.2802

Buy: 1.2804 Take profit: 1.2840

Sell: 1.2732 Take profit: 1.2694

Sell: 1.2656 Take profit: 1.2590

Exchange Rates 21.05.2019 analysis

For the dollar / franc pair, the key levels on the H1 scale are: 1.0160, 1.0142, 1.0131, 1.0113, 1.0084, 1.0072 and 1.0048. Here, we are following the formation of the ascending structure of May 13. Continuation of the movement to the top is expected after the breakdown of the level of 1.0113. In this case, the target is the level of 1.0131. Meanwhile, in the range of 1.0131 - 1.0142, there is a short-term upward movement, as well as consolidation. For the potential value for the top, we consider the level of 1.0160. After reaching which, we expect a rollback to the bottom.

Short-term downward movement is possible in the range of 1.0084 - 1.0072. The breakdown of the latter value will have to the development of the downward structure. Here, the potential target is the level of 1.0048. Up to this level, we expect the initial conditions for the downward cycle.

The main trend is the ascending structure of May 13.

Trading recommendations:

Buy : 1.0113 Take profit: 1.0130

Buy : 1.0142 Take profit: 1.0160

Sell: 1.0084 Take profit: 1.0073

Sell: 1.0070 Take profit: 1.0050

Exchange Rates 21.05.2019 analysis

For the dollar / yen pair, the key levels on the scale are : 111.31, 110.98, 110.81, 110.54, 110.33, 109.96, 109.77 and 109.47. Here, we are following the development of the ascending cycle of May 13. Short-term upward movement is possible in the range of 110.33 - 110.54. The breakdown of the latter value should be accompanied by a pronounced upward movement. Here, the target is the level of 110.81. Meanwhile, in the range of 110.81 - 110.98, there is a price consolidation. For the potential value for the top, we consider the level of 111.31. The movement to which is expected after the breakdown of the level of 111.00.

Short-term downward movement is possible in the range of 109.96 - 109.77. The breakdown of the latter value will lead to in-depth correction. Here, the goal is the level of 109.47. This level is a key support for the upward structure.

The main trend: the ascending structure of May 13.

Trading recommendations:

Buy: 110.33 Take profit: 110.52

Buy: 110.56 Take profit: 110.80

Sell: 109.96 Take profit: 109.78

Sell: 109.75 Take profit: 109.50

Exchange Rates 21.05.2019 analysis

For the Canadian dollar / US dollar pair, the key levels on the H1 scale are: 1.3511, 1.3482, 1.3460, 1.3442, 1.3415, 1.3404, 1.3374 and 1.3353. Here, the price has shaped the potential for the downward movement of May 17. The development of which is expected after the price passes the noise range of 1.3415 - 1.3404. In this case, the target is the level of 1.3374. We consider the level of 1.3353 as a potential value for the bottom. Upon reaching this level, we expect a consolidation, as well as a rollback to the top.

Short-term upward movement is possible in the range of 1.3442 - 1.3460. The breakdown of the latter value will lead to a prolonged correction. Here, the target is the level of 1.3482. This level is a key support for the top. Its price passage will have to form an upward structure. In this case, the potential target is the level of 1.3511.

The main trend is the potential for the downward movement of May 17.

Trading recommendations:

Buy: 1.3442 Take profit: 1.3460

Buy : 1.3462 Take profit: 1.3480

Sell: 1.3404 Take profit: 1.3376

Sell: 1.3372 Take profit: 1.3355

Exchange Rates 21.05.2019 analysis

For the pair Australian dollar / US Dollar, the key levels on the H1 scale are : 0.6987, 0.6960, 0.6951, 0.6937, 0.6918, 0.6891, 0.6880, 0.6862 and 0.6835. Here, the price has issued the expressed initial conditions for the upward cycle of May 17th. Continuation of the movement to the top is expected after the breakdown of the level of 0.6918. In this case, the target is the level of 0.6937. The breakdown of which will lead to movement to the level of 0.6951, wherein consolidation is near this level. The price passage of the noise range 0.6951 - 0.6960 should be accompanied by a pronounced upward movement. Here, the goal is the level of 0.6987. From this level, we expect a departure to a correction.

Short-term downward movement is possible in the range of 0.6891 - 0.6880. The breakdown of the latter value will lead to the cancellation of the upward structure of May 17. In this case, the first target is the level of 0.6862. We consider the level of 0.6835 as a potential value for the bottom.

The main trend is the formation of initial conditions for the top of May 17.

Trading recommendations:

Buy: 0.6918 Take profit: 0.6935

Buy: 0.6938 Take profit: 0.6950

Sell : 0.6890 Take profit : 0.6880

Sell: 0.6878 Take profit: 0.6862

Exchange Rates 21.05.2019 analysis

For the euro / yen pair, the key levels on the H1 scale are: 123.59, 123.17, 122.95, 122.50, 122.12, 121.75, 121.45 and 121.09. Here, the price has entered an equilibrium state. Continuation of the movement to the bottom is expected after the breakdown of the level of 122.50. In this case, the first target is the level of 122.12. The breakdown of which will start the development of the downward trend on the H1 scale. Here, the target is the level of 121.75. Meanwhile, in the range of 121.75 - 121.45, there is a short-term downward movement, as well as a high probability of a rollback in the correction. For the potential value for the bottom, we consider the level of 121.09. After reaching which, we expect a rollback to the top.

Short-term ascending movement is expected in the range of 122.95 - 123.17. The breakdown of the last value will have to the formation of the ascending structure. Here, the goal is the level of 123.59.

The main trend is the equilibrium state.

Trading recommendations:

Buy: 122.95 Take profit: 123.15

Buy: 123.20 Take profit: 123.55

Sell: 122.50 Take profit: 122.14

Sell: 122.10 Take profit: 121.75

Exchange Rates 21.05.2019 analysis

For the pound / yen pair, the key levels on the H1 scale are : 141.05, 140.45, 140.09, 139.68, 139.15, 138.45 and 138.03. Here, we are following the development of the downward structure of May 10. At the moment, the price is in the correction. Continuation of the movement to the bottom is expected after the breakdown of the level of 139.65. In this case, the goal is the level of 139.15, wherein consolidation is near this level. The breakdown of the level of 139.15 will lead to a pronounced movement to the level of 138.45. From this level, there is a high probability of a reversal to the top. For the potential value for the bottom, we consider the level of 138.03. Upon reaching which, we expect a consolidation in the range of 138.45 - 138.03, as well as a rollback to the top.

Short-term upward movement is possible in the range of 140.09 - 140.45. The breakdown of the latter value will lead to a deep correction. Here, the target is the level of 141.05. This level is a key support.

The main trend is the local downward structure of May 10, the stage of correction.

Trading recommendations:

Buy: 140.10 Take profit: 140.45

Buy: 140.47 Take profit: 141.05

Sell: 139.66 Take profit: 139.15

Sell: 139.10 Take profit: 138.45

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experto de análisis de InstaForex
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