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31.07.201904:47 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Control zones GBPUSD 07/31/19

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Today, the pair is trading outside the monthly CZ of July and the range of the average move of the week. This allows you to close all short positions and look for opportunities to enter correctional purchases. The probability of a return to the level of 1.2216 is 90%, so the "false breakout" pattern of yesterday's low should be used to enter the trade today.

Exchange Rates 31.07.2019 analysis

Buying the pair from current levels will not be profitable, since the size of the stop will not make it possible for you to get a profitable profit risk ratio.

An alternative model will be the continuation of the fall, which will entail a removal from the monthly control zone and an increase in the size of the correction model. Selling outside the monthly CZ is not strictly recommended, since it has a 10% chance of working out.

Exchange Rates 31.07.2019 analysis

Daily CZ - daily control zone. The area formed by important data from the futures market, which change several times a year.

Weekly CZ - weekly control zone. The zone formed by important marks of the futures market, which change several times a year.

Monthly CZ - monthly control zone. The zone, which is a reflection of the average volatility over the past year.

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experto de análisis de InstaForex
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